As International day of Theatre was the same day with Earth hour, we decided to write an environmental script!
Greece started the story:"MESSAGE IN THE BOTTLE"Narrator: Once upon a time there was a fish, which was called Aris!
Aris: I’m a small small fish with many many colors and have many loving friends! Let them introduce themselves!
Hippocampus: My name is Goulielmos and I like seaweed and hide myself among them!
Octapus: I am Thrasybulus and I am usually hiding in the rocks. I like eating candies with shrimp and swordfish flavor!
Crab: My name is Mitsos and I like tap dancing!
Sea turtle: I’m Ophelia and I adore eating jelly-fish! Yummy!!!
Cuttlefish: Hi guys! I’m Hermione and imagine how much I like lollypops with fish flavor!!
Seal: My name is Aglaia and I like to swim in the blue sea and sit on the rocks the sunny days!
Dolphin: Hello, I’m Lilika and I like diving so much!!
Shark: Hello to all I’m Fontas , don’t be afraid of me I’m kind-hearted and like so much watch cartoons and eat pop-corn!!
Altogether: But we all have something, we all like playing hide and seek!!!
(They decide by abebablom, (do you know what is this game?) who is going to tell the numbers until the others will go and hide themselves. Fontas, the shark is going to do it!
Aris is hiding behind some rubbish, cans and banana leaves; Ophelia is hiding in a plastic bag and all the others behind shells and rocks.
Fondas opens his eyes and starts searching . He finds Goulielmos, Thrasyvoulos, Mitsos, Hermione, Aglaia, Lilika . While he is trying to find the other two he listens a scream. It’s Ophelia who can’t breathe in the plastic bag.
Ophelia: Help!!!Help!!!I can’t breathe, please help me!!!
Fondas: Don’t move I will cut the bag with my strong teeth!
Ophelia: Thank you Fondas, you saved my life!!!
Before having time to tell anything else, another scream interrupts them.
Aris: Help me I can’t swim…I’m bleeding! My tail was cut by an aluminum can!!
Seal: Let me help you my dear. I will put you a water-proof bandage!!Now you are ok!
All sea creatures didn’t like what happened!
Dolphin: We have to do something…Our sea is not as blue and clean as it was!
Crab: People throw all kind of dangerous for us!!
Hippocampus: Our life is miserable here nowadays!!!A solution should be found and make people understand that we can’t live any more in a dirty sea!
Octapus: We can write a message to the people tell them what’s going on…
Cuttlefish: I can help you with that!
Aris the fish: So let’s write this:
Stop throwing rubbish at the sea
Fix your ships so you don’t have petrol leaks
Come and clean the sea, if you don’t come soon
We will all die!!!
What do you think ?Is that ok?
Altogether: Yeeees, it’s great!!!
Shark: Let’s put it in this empty bottle…nice! Who is going to take it to the people?
Crab: I will do it, don’t worry people will take the message soon!!
So the crab went to the seaside to give the message in the bottle …..
Poland cintinued the story:He left the bottle by the sea shore among a pile of stones and went back into the ocean depths.
There came a day when John and Judy, a couple of 7 year-old twins, went to the beach. They wanted to find something exceptional what could be called a sea treasure, as it was their homework task at school.
John: Imagine, Judy, what would happen if we found a pirate crate with a treasure map and full of gold coins! we would have not only got the best mark, but we could also be very rich!
Judy: Oh, John! Don`t be silly! Pirates are in fairy tales only! Let`s better search for pearl among these shells. It would be great to have some for a necklace…
John: Pearls? That could say a woman only, ha ha!
N: John and Judy were arguing with each other about the treasure they could find, when suddenly they saw something shining among stones.
John: Gold!
N: shouted John
Judy: Pearls!
N: squealed Judy
John and Judy: It`s mine!
N: They run quickly towards the place but… there was only a bottle lying in a sand
John: Oh, no! It`s only rubbish!
N: And John kicked the bottle with anger
Judy: Look, John! But there is a message inside!
N: That was the way Judy and John found an SOS message from sea creatures.
they read it slowly and carefully:
“Stop throwing rubbish at the sea
Fix your ships so you don’t have petrol leaks
Come and clean the sea, if you don’t come soon
We will all die!!!”
Judy: Sea creatures need our help, John! Let`s inform others!
N: An hour later a family meeting was announced and rescue plan was formed. firstly, the family decided to immediately clean rubbish from the beach. there came Mum and Dad, all possible uncles, aunties and cousins. Everyone did one`s best, but they couldn’t do everything…
John: I`m exhausted! So many rubbish to clean! Is that a beach or a rubbish bin for some people?
Judy: It`s not enough what we did, John. I think we should tee the message to our friends at school. They can send it forward to others and so forth…
John: Sure, we will!
N: The next day at school twins showed a bottle message to the teacher and friends. They came up with many great ideas:
Student 1: Let`s make a poster for fishermen and sailors. They have to fix their ships to avoid petrol leaks!
Student2: We can write letter to sailors to help them understand that sea creatures die cause of rubbish they throw to the sea!
Student3: What about going to the radio or a newspaper agency? We can announce a Day of Beach for cleaning!
Teacher: Let`s do all of this together! at least the sea and its creations are the most important treasure we all search for!
N: Imagine that everything was possible to be done when children, parents, families, teachers and friends were working together! They moved almost the whole world for the sea world!
One evening, straight before a sleep, John and Judy were lying in their beds and discussing:
Judy: Do you think that our sea friends feel better nowadays?
John: I hope so, Judy! I am sleepy! Sleep well!
Judy: Good night, John! Have a nice dreams!
N: Indeed, both Judy and John had a beautiful dream that night. They dreamed sea creatures – fish, crabs, seahorses, octopuses and seals – playing hide and seek among multi-coloured anthozoans. There came a shark even, whispered” thank you”and waved with his flipper…
but… Was it a dream only? How do YOU think?
THE END continues